Lectures and seminars by Nazarbayev University professors for students and healthcare workers

From November 25 to 27, 2024, the staff of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing organized meetings between professors of the School of Medicine of Nazarbayev University and students of 2, 3, 5 years of study of the educational programs «Medicine», «Dentistry», «Nursing», and healthcare workers. Speakers Jonas Cruz, Paolo Colet, Meruyert Smagulova held a series of lectures and seminars at SKMA and the City Perinatal Center of Shymkent, shared the experience of Nazarbayev University in disseminating initiatives and building capacity.
The speakers and faculty members are researchers of the Qaz Green Health project, funded by the Central Asian Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Transformation (CARCEIT). The events expanded the scope and impact of the project on developing environmental sustainability in healthcare for current and future healthcare professionals in Kazakhstan.
Jonas Cruz, Paolo Colet, Meruyert Smagulova held interactive lectures, master classes for students, where the topics were covered: Application of foreign databases in a literary review of research work for the analysis of qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods in nursing, reading skills and critical analysis of scientific publications, tools for conducting research and writing a literature review.

Lectures and seminars were held for healthcare workers, where the following topics were covered: Application of quality improvement in ensuring environmental sustainability in healthcare, environmentally sustainable healthcare system, quality improvement for environmentally sustainable healthcare, goal setting, presentation of the QI plan.
In the Shymkent City Perinatal Center, healthcare workers were given training goals that were achieved:
• Critically reflect on the need for a sense of responsibility and concern for environmental sustainability in healthcare.
• Develop a basic understanding of key concepts of environmental sustainability in healthcare and the use of quality improvement for environmental sustainability.
• Apply key concepts of quality improvement to address issues related to environmental sustainability in healthcare.
• Advocate for the inclusion of environmental sustainability policies in existing hospital strategic plans.

Nursing professionals explored key aspects of the healthcare research process, the impact of waste on environmental pollution, how to minimise plastic use and the placement of an intravenous catheter. They examined the principles of sustainable clinical practice, how to plan for sustainable quality improvement, and environmental impacts.

The seminars were held with the participation of the head of the department of «Emergency Medicine and Nursing» A.A. Seidakhmetova, assistants of the department H.A.Saytmuratov, Sh.D.Yusupova, Zh.B.Beknazarova, R.B.Ablataeva, L.Zh. Zhakansha, N.Zh. Sultanbaeva and with the participation of students of the educational program «Nursing» accelerated academic bachelor's degree and nurses of the «City Perinatal Center».

All participants of the seminars who actively participated received certificates. The speakers noted the great interest and active participation of the students, knowledge of English.

02.12.2024, 12:28