Leading Kazakh, Russian specialists in the field of stroke are in Shymkent

Today, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy is holding a two-day international scientific and practical conference "Angioeducology: Innovations and Prospects". On the online platform, leading Kazakh and Russian specialists in the field of stroke share questions on the organization of stroke services thrombolytic therapy, neuroradiology, and rehabilitation of patients in the field.

Sh. Zh. Mukan, Deputy Akim of the city of Shymkent, Rector of JSC "SKMA", M. M. Rysbekov, Director of the Republican Coordination Center for Stroke Problems E.B. Adilbekov addressed the participants of the conference with welcoming words.

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On the first day of the conference, speakers were: E. T. Makhambetov – Head of the Department of Vascular and Functional Surgery of the National Center of Neurosurgery, Nur-Sultan; E. Yu. Solovyova - Head of the Department of Neurology of the Federal State Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow; D. R. Khasanova – Doctor of Medical Sciences,Professor of the Department of Neurology of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan; R. M. Kastey - Head of the Department of Vascular Neurosurgery of the City Clinical Hospital №7, Almaty; S. T. Turuspekova - Head of the Department of Neurology of KazNMU, Almaty; Z. B. Akhmetzhanova-Master of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Neurology of the MUA, Nur-Sultan; E. V. Ekusheva-Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of the FSBI FNCC FMBA of Russia, Moscow; Zh. A. Zholdasova-Director of the Center for the Treatment of Neuroses and Alzheimer's Disease, Almaty, etc.

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As the moderator of the conference, head of the Department of Neurology N. A. Zharkinbekova, noted, in Shymkent, on the eve of Nauryz, two stroke centers opened their doors, which opened on the bases of the City hospitals №2 and №33. This once again emphasizes that the city authorities, the health department and the scientific community are interested in providing high-quality medical services to the population. One stroke center by order of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan is designed to serve 250 thousand people. And there is a need for the functioning of new centers, since there is an increase in the number of stroke patients. So, in 2020, about 4,000 people fell ill with a stroke in Shymkent. As for the Turkestan region, 9 stroke centers are currently open and operating. In 2020, 5,000 people turned to neurologists for medical help. They are working on improving the service and monitoring the implementation of indicators of the roadmap for stroke. The creation and functioning of the centers allows us to provide patients not only with qualified medical and surgical care, but also to improve the rehabilitation processes at times.

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Tomorrow, master’s students, doctoral students, residents, and young scientists from Kazakhstan and Russia will take part in the discussion and make presentations.

Raikhan Shaimerdenova.

18.03.2021, 07:03