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The other day at the hotel «Rixos Khadisha Shymkent» signed constituent documents about the creation of an association of pharmaceutical cluster in South Kazakhstan. The interest in the establishment of the association expressed Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKO and the only Pharmaceutical school in Kazakhstan - South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy.

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The public association of legal entities representing the interests of pharmaceutical companies manufacturing and trading orientation, health facilities in South Kazakhstan (including private clinics). The latter will carry out a full cycle of clinical trials of new domestic medicines.

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In the short term cluster aims to take part in the program of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019 years. That is, in the second Five-Year Plan, as one of three regional clusters created in Kazakhstan. And it gives a new impetus to the domestic production of new medicines.

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The constituent documents of association of  the public association of legal entities was subscribed by Zh.K.Dulatov - Director of the Public Association "The House of Entrepreneurs of SKO" P.Mildner - General Director of JSC "Khimfarm" A. A.E.Maulenkulov - Director of LLP «KAZMEDPRIBOR Holding», MK .Bitemirov - director of "NGOs" Zerde "N.M.Talasov - director of" International Ecopharm "B.D.Seksenbaev - Rector of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, HJ Alzhanova - Director of the Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations SKO "Lady" and others.

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In  Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs SKO assigned a coordinating role to  SKSPA, there are three functions: training of qualified personnel, including training, conducting scientific research for practical pharmacy and medicine, cooperation and formation of communication links between the scientific and human environment, production and business structures.

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There was the first meeting with the approval of the composition of the association and their functions. It should be noted that Kazakhstan is the first cluster Association, initiated by big business.

Moderated by Head of the Committee of Health, Education and Social Development Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs SKO, vice-rector for scientific and clinical work SKSPhA B.K.  Nurmashev.

Raihan Shaimerdenova, editor of the scientific journal SKSPhA.

29.06.2015, 04:04