June 12 - Medical Worker Day

On June 12, 2024, in honor of the «Medical Worker’s Day», the youth policy departments held a gala event in the large assembly hall of the academy. All employees took part in the event.
The solemn event was opened by the rector of SKMA, Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashovich and awarded «Еңбек Ардагері»  medal, badges, letters of gratitude and certificates of honor from the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as letters of gratitude from Seitzhanov Serikzhan Seitzhanuly, the main founder of SKMA JSC.
Vice-rector for educational and methodological work Anartayeva Maria Ulasbekovna, who made another congratulatory speech, awarded employees who deserved their work in the field of medicine with letters of gratitude from the rector of JSC "SKMA" Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashovich.
The festive event continued with a concert program accompanied by the Shymkent City Kazakh Orchestra and artists from the Shymkent City House of Culture. We sincerely congratulate all employees on their achievements.

13.06.2024, 18:17