Joint active promotion of graduates' employment

Active assistance in the employment of graduates of JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy together with employers is one of the most important strategic tasks of our academy. To implement it, universities regularly hold meetings with employers and partners. To this end, on April 02, 2024, a meeting was held with the Atyrau region Health Department organized by the Dean's Office of Internship and graduate employment. The meeting was attended by graduates of bachelor's degree, internship and residency, deans and heads of departments. The moderator was K.S.Kemelbekov, Dean of the internship at «SKMA» JSC.

The first word was given to the head of the Health Department of Atyrau region, K. Abdaliev. In his speech, he spoke about the history of Atyrau region, the organization of healthcare, as well as about social support and conditions for young professionals.

Next, the heads of healthcare organizations made presentations and discussed the shortage of personnel, working conditions, and proposed social packages in these medical institutions. The graduates asked questions and received answers.

It is known that some graduates have difficulty finding employment after graduation from the Academy. Such meetings are aimed at providing active assistance in finding employment and giving each graduate the opportunity to realize their knowledge and skills.

22.04.2024, 14:04