“Jobs fair”

On 19 April, 2018 at South-Kazakhstan Medical Academy held a “Jobs fair” for interns and bachelor’s degree students in Youth resource centre, Shymkent city.

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The event was attended by the leadership of the Academy, the Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Organizations of Turkestan region and Shymkent city, representatives of the Health Department in six regions (Zhambyl, Turkistan, Shymkent, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar, Zhezkazgan)and the chief doctors of medical institutions.

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The opening speech for this event was given by the rector of SKMA Rysbekov M.М, deputy head of the Department of health of Shymkent  G. Motaievich.which followed by the reports ofthe representatives of the regional health department MomynovaA.Sh., the director of association of pharmaceutical and medical organisations in SKR “Damu”  H.D.Alzhanova, the cheaf doctor of the regional hospital in Zhanakorgan, Kyzylorda regionY.Shorabayev, the head of HR department LLP “Zhurek”, Zhezkazgan E. Manasova.

During this event, graduates were signed contracts for work in regional, city and district hospitals. After signing the contract with the graduates, the head of the health Department of the city of Shymkent  Baiduvaliev Askhan Markhabayuly visited 2nd building South Kazakhstan medical Academy and visited the "center of practical skills Baiduvaliev Askhan Markhabayuly about the importance of training of doctors in the center shared his opinion.

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26.04.2019, 04:19