Interuniversity educational conference "Experience of clinical diagnosis and treatment minutes in the educational process in residency and internship"

The department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, together with Neurology, psychiatry and infectious diseases Department of the State Medical University of Semey  organized  the Inter-university educational conference "Experience of clinical diagnosis and treatment minutes  in the educational process in residency and internship".

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Participants of the conference were: the department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology of SKSPhA, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Infectious Diseases of Semey Medical University, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology of SKSPhA, evidence-based medicine department, Central methodical committee of clinical disciplines, mentors of residents - infectious disease doctors of Shymkent city infectious hospital.

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The conference included reports of  G.N Abuova, E.M Smail, G.U Tuksanbayeva F.A. Berdalyeva. There were shown the practical application of Clinical minutes "Varicella" in the context of the Case-study method, demonstration of Clinical minutes "Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever " in the context of TBL-methods, "role-playing games."

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Department of Infectious Diseases presented the developed methods of  knowledge assessment of clinical minutes using the checklist and methodical development of "Modern technologies of teaching of clinical diagnostics and treatment minutes in the residency."

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The participants appreciated the relevance and importance of this conference.

11.11.2016, 05:07