International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Student Science 2020"

1609 2On december 10-11, 2020 year Miras University hosted the international student scientific and practical conference "Student Science 2020". The purpose of the conference was to develop creative activity among schoolchildren, students, undergraduates and young scientists, to involve them in solving urgent problems of modern science, as well as to promote the development of educational and scientific ties between students and young scientists.

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Students of the group TPPA-01-18 of the department "Technology of pharmaceutical production" Bazarbek Guldariya and Maksatkyzy Aida made a presentation on the topic " The current place of SMART and its importance in the pharmacy ", scientific supervisor Arystanbaev K.E. and took the honorable first place in the direction "Information and telecommunication systems"

12.12.2020, 14:24