International standard International standard ISO 37001:2016. Anti-corruption management system and compliance

From December 12 to 14, 2022, the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent held a training seminar for the heads of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SCMA) on the topic "International standard ISO 37001:2016. Anti-corruption management system and compliance".
The purpose of the seminar was to improve the professional qualifications of the managers of the UCMA on anti-corruption management and compliance activities, the formation of professional competencies in the field of anti-corruption expertise.

The seminar was conducted by the chief specialist of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) in Shymkent Alzhanova Zhazira Salkhanovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Implementation and Promotion of Educational Programs of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, Candidate of Political Sciences Rysbaeva Saule Zhaksybaevna and commandant officer of Inkai LLP Shalbayev Darkhan Aldabekovich.
During the seminar, they were familiarized with the importance, requirements of the international standard "ISO 37001:2016. Anti-corruption management system", assessment of corruption and other risks and cited the advantages of implementing this standard in the institution. The issues of formation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan were considered, as well as important information on ensuring corporate integrity was given.
The seminar hosts provided the necessary information on the functional responsibilities of the compliance officer, specially taken within the framework of initiatives, actions aimed at ensuring anti-corruption, ensuring sincerity, honesty among all employees and creating conditions for conducting activities in the workplace in accordance with the best international standards, internal policy and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the formation of an internal anti-corruption corporate culture.

15.12.2022, 15:59