International Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy "Rational use of medicines".

The Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology and the Department of Evidence-Based Medicine of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy on September 8-9, 2017 in Astana took part in the conference on"clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy "Rational use of medicines". More than 300 participants were involved in the conference, including delegates from regional health departments, medical, pharmaceutical and scientific organizations, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the WHO country office and foreign partners, foreign experts in the field of clinical pharmacology. The conference was held with the support of partner organizations: PA "Republican Medical Chamber", WHO, UNICEF, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (UK), COCHRANE Russia, Elsivier, National Center for Expertise of medicines, SK-Pharmacy, universities, professional medical associations.


The conference was dedicated to the issues of rational use of medicines, evidence-based medicine in clinical pharmacology and clinical practice, the safety of drug therapy, pharmacovigilance.


The purpose of the event was to show benefits, prospects and the fundamental role of clinical pharmacology in the development of health care based on the principles of evidence-based medicine to key audience. The received information, knowledge will be introduced into the educational process of SKSPhA.

13.09.2017, 06:07