On February 24, 2021, the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases, the Scientific Club "No. 1 CLUB OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND INFECTIOUS Diseases" of the NAO "Astana Medical University", the Regional Public Association "Society of Infectious Diseases Doctors" held an interdisciplinary conference of young scientists. «COVID-19. The clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention".

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The participants of the conference were doctor and master's students, practicing doctors, resident infectious diseases specialists and interns from universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference participants made presentations on current issues and issues related to COVID-19. Research papers and clinical cases of coronavirus infection were presented. Residents, doctoral students and undergraduates of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology of the SKMA took an active part in the conference, in total 14 reports were presented from the department. At the plenary session, resident infectious disease specialist of the 2nd year Tanatar A. A. made a report "Comparison of some issues of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and CCHL".

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Prizes were awarded to: Nurmaganbet S. D., Tamyrbaeva A.M. With the report "The Pancreatopathy in COVID-19", supervisor: PhD, Professor Abuova G. N., Phd, Acting Associate Professor Berdalieva F. A. Nurazimova K. N., Nigmatov F. F. with report "Similarities and differences of laboratory data in COVID-19 and CCGL", supervisor: PhD, Professor Abuova G. N., Acting Associate Professor, PhD Berdalieva F. A.

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Certificates were noted: Ashirova M. Z., Ashtayeva S. T. with report "Features of hemophagocytosis in children with COVID-19". Isakhan Sh. Sh., Nasyrov A. H. with report "COVID–19–associated hepatitis in the practice of a doctor". Seilkhan A. A., Kurmankozha B. K. with report "Neurological manifestations in COVID-19". Saparbekov I. K., Kulnazarova B. with report "differences and features of coronavirus infection from CPSC". Zhorakhanova B. A., Bayakhmetova M. M. with report "complications during COVID-19".

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Such scientific events increase the potential of young scientists and their competitiveness in the education market.

02.03.2021, 08:41