Intellectual Olympiad “Leader of SKMA-2019”

On November 29, 2019, at the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, the intellectual olympiad “Leader of SKMA-2019” was held, which has already become traditional. The purpose of this olympiad is to identify the intellectual and creative abilities of students, the formation of public speaking skills.

First-year students of the specialties “General Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical Production Technology”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry” and student activists of the Zhas-Otan youth wing, Shabyt youth organization and Ziyaly Kazak debate club took part in the Olympiad.

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The Olympics consisted of the following rounds:

Round 1 - discussion on the topic "Problems of modern youth."

Round 2 - “Polyglot” - a competition for knowledge of Kazakh, Russian and English.

3 round– debate on the topic “Social network in the life of youth”.

4 round– final quiz.

Students were divided into four teams: Stars, Strength, Miracle and Scrabble. 

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The real discussion among the participants of the Olympiad was caused by the problems of modern youth (crime, lack of patriotism, bad habits, etc.), objective and subjective reasons for the manifestation of asocial behavior of young people were discussed.

In the second round of the intellectual Olympiad, the participants demonstrated good knowledge of foreign languages by completing assignments in Kazakh, Russian and English. The introduction of a multilingual educational system in the educational process is the key to the formation of a multicultural person who speaks several languages.

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To date, the question of the role of social networks in the modern world is one of the most acute. Participants had the opportunity to debate about the positive and negative impact of social networks on the lives of modern youth. In the heated debate, many arguments for and against were cited.

According to the results of the performances of the teams, the winning team was determined. It turned out to be the Stars team, which was distinguished by its logical and consistent presentation of positions, persuasive arguments and oratory.

The senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Kalmenova R.K. made a closing speech at the intellectual olympiad, which summed up the debate and wished all participants future victories!

10.12.2019, 01:41