Information technologies - modern requirements

Information technologies-the requirements of modernity in the Address of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbaev it is noted that it is necessary to master three languages.Since the knowledge of the three languages is the bridge leading to globalization. With this purpose, on April 12, teachers of the department “Medical Biophysics and information Technologies“ organized and conducted an intellectual contest among students of the specialties “Public health“, ”Pharmacy” and ”Technologies of Pharmaceutical Production“ in three languages on the topic “Information technologies - Modern requirements “. The purpose of this event was to increase the interest of students in disciplines, improve mental skills, the development of teamwork is also bringing up to work. As guests of the competition, the guests from the dean’s office were specially invited by teachers from different departments and teachers from the Department of Medical Biophysaics and information technology, students of the Academy took part .The contest consisted of the following stages: team greetings, homework, compositions and quiz. During the competition, participants demonstrated their knowledge and skills wit, intellectual qualities and creativity. 

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At the end of the competition, the winners were awarded certificates,the participants were consoled with prizes. Conducting such events certainly improves wit and raises the level of their knowledge. It is impossible not to take into account for the students the experience that they receive during the holding of rock events, they have a feeling of team spirit, wit, develop thinking skills and competitiveness also raises the level.

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24.04.2018, 03:24