From October 13 to December 14, 2020-2021 academic year, 5th year students of the specialty 6B10106 "Pharmacy" completed an industrial practice in toxicological chemistry in the amount of 90 hours / 3 credits in remote mode., The platforms AIS Platonus, Google Classroom, Zoom were used for the industrial practice. At the preliminary stage, the staff of the department prepared a full volume of content for practical training: a diary, guidelines, SOPs for methods of chemical and toxicological analysis, UV and IR spectra of the most important toxicants, links to videos.

The staff of the Department and the Department of DET of the Academy prepared more than 40 video materials on isolation, preliminary tests, detection and quantitative determination of toxicants using the resources of the Department.

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Before the start of the practice, an orientation conference was held for students, where the most important points of the practice were discussed, the leaders from the practice were fixed, the work on the Google Classroom platform was explained.

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For 9 weeks, students studying in online regime worked under the guidance of teachers to consolidate practical skills in the chemical and toxicological analysis of "volatile", "medicinal", "metal" poisons, pesticides, mineral acids and caustic alkalis, laboratory express diagnostics of alcohol and its surrogates, carboxyhemoglobin, narcotic and other intoxicating substances. Based on the videos prepared on the broadcast platforms, the students commented on the progress of chemical and toxicological analysis, methods of sample preparation, methods of identification and quantitative determination on modern devices, taking into account the nature of the analyte, consolidated the skills of interpreting the results of forensic medical examination of chemical and toxicological studies, taking into account the capabilities of modern instrumental analysis methods.

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Weekly practice leaders uploaded assignments for students to the Google Classroom platform, checked diaries and commented on students' work, while all the work was done in one service. The integration of Classroom with other Google tools such as Docs and Drive has made the work of not only teachers, but also students easier. During their practical training, students filled out a diary in which they wrote down the course of the chemical and toxicological analysis, decoded IR spectra, interpreted the results, and made a conclusion.

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After completing the practice, a final conference was held with the students on the ZOOM platform, where students talked about the advantages of the Google Classroom platform, thanked the department staff for introducing them to a new and convenient platform for them and facilitated the process of virtual learning. Also, students and teachers noted that Google Classroom makes learning more productive, allows you to conveniently publish and evaluate assignments, organize collaboration and effective interaction of all participants in the process.

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The final results of the practical training of students in the form of a differentiated credit were assessed by a commission from among the teaching staff of the department and employers - employees of the chemical and toxicological department of the Institute of Forensic Expertise in Shymkent, the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the clinical and toxicological laboratory of the Center for Mental Health in Shymkent, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Thus, the industrial practice in toxicological chemistry was organized at a fairly high level. The practice contributed to the virtual consolidation of the necessary set of competencies for working as a forensic expert in chemical and toxicological research in accordance with the professional standard "Pharmaceutical activity" and the industry qualifications framework in a dynamically changing economic environment.

23.12.2020, 11:56