Industrial practice of students at Sechenov University

The industrial practice "Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines" of the students of the Pharmacy Faculty of the Academy at Sechenov University has been successfully completed. This year, this opportunity was granted to 4th-year students Yesenali Saltanat, Kim Danil, Nezvanova Ekaterina, Nurlybek Akerke and Shymyr Bekarys.
Our students were warmly welcomed by the Director of the Institute of Pharmacy named by A.P. Nelyubin, Professor G.V. Ramenskaya, the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev.
In accordance with the industrial practice program, students studied regulatory documentation governing quality control, standardization, examination and registration of medicines in the Russian Federation. The fundamental regulatory documents are the EAEU Decisions in the field of circulation of medicines, the EAEU Pharmacopoeia (Pharmacopoeia of the Union), the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XIV-XV, orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, etc.
As part of the practical block of industrial practice, students completed individual tasks. They identified inorganic drugs by cations and anions, organic drugs by functional groups. They learned to conduct a comparative analysis of titrimetric and physicochemical methods (polarimetry, refractometry) of drugs based on statistical processing of the results obtained.
At the pharmacokinetics laboratory of the Center for Personalized Medicine of the I.V. Davydovsky City Clinical Hospital, trainees took part in a master class on "Application of HPLC in the Analysis of Drugs" and also completed a practical task on "Quantitative Determination of Drugs in Human Blood Plasma by HPLC". In the process of work, trainees learned to carry out a sample preparation technique, plot a calibration graph and its statistical processing, select a column, mobile phase and other chromatography conditions, determine the concentration of drugs by liquid chromatography.
At the testing laboratory of the Center for Pharmaceutical Analytics, students consolidated their skills in working with automatic dispensers, other weighing and measuring instruments, and class A chemical glassware. Individual assignments included preparing solutions of working standard samples with subsequent calculation of the concentrations of the resulting solutions. They also familiarized themselves with the structure, practical, and research activities of the Center, attended master classes on the use of liquid chromatography and enzyme immunoassay in determining the bioequivalence and clinical trials of drugs.
The theoretical block of the program included master classes, trainings, and lectures by leading scientists and teachers at Sechenov University and practitioners in the field of drug circulation on topics such as: "Functional analysis of drugs", "Registration system for dietary supplements in the Russian Federation. Existing problems and ways to solve them”, “Biomedical article through the eyes of the editor-in-chief”, “With a pharmacist’s diploma: in science, education and business”, “State control and permitting system in the field of circulation of medicines”, “Development and maintenance of QMS in a research laboratory”, “Use of chemical-toxicological studies for the treatment and diagnosis of acute poisoning”, “Creation of a platform for oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis for the development of drugs based on mRNA”.
Also, master classes on the application of physicochemical methods of analysis in the study of drugs were held for the interns: "HPLC in the analysis of drugs", "The role and choice of detectors in chromatographic analysis", "Possibilities of the enzyme immunoassay for the study of biological products", "Polarization-fluorescence immune analysis. The essence of the method and areas of application in pharmacy and ecology".
The results of the industrial practice were summed up based on the results of solving situational problems, certification of practical skills and computer testing of students who demonstrated good theoretical training and practical skills in conducting quality control of drugs using chemical and physicochemical methods.
The students took part in the IX All-Russian Olympiad in Organic Chemistry with international participation, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of D.I. Mendeleyev, according to the results of which Nezvanova E. was recognized as a prize-winner of the Olympiad.
The students took an active part in the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Biologically Active Substances: From Medicine to Poison", jointly organized by the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of Sechenov University and SKMA. The 1st place diploma was awarded to the reports of students Nezvanova E. and Nurlybek A., 2nd place - Kim D. and Esenali S.
Thus, the interns fully completed the industrial practice program "Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines". The practice allowed the students to confirm the theoretical knowledge acquired and consolidate practical skills in the field of pharmaceutical analysis of medicines, necessary for solving the professional problems of a pharmacist-analyst.
The cultural program was rich, during which the students got acquainted with the sights of Moscow. The traditional route of the cultural program began with a visit to the monument to the great thinker and poet Abai Kunanbayev.
The students visited Red Square, the Exhibition Complex, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Medicine of Sechenov University, the opera "Cleopatra" in the Kremlin Palace, the drama theater "Sfera", Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, the ceremony of changing the guard of the Kremlin regiment and many, many corners of Moscow.
We express our sincere gratitude to the management of our Academy, as well as to the director of the Institute of Pharmacy of Sechenov University, professor G. V. Ramenskaya, and to the employee of the Center for International Development L. N. Vikhrova on behalf of the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and a group of students who had a wonderful opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful cities - Moscow and undergo industrial practice in one of the top 100 universities in the world.

19.06.2024, 12:04