Industrial practice in PMPhI in Pyatigorsk

An important part of highly qualified pharmacists’ training is a industriаl practice of students. Given this fact, the leadership of our Academy offers the possibility of passing practice in different cities around the world, where the most famous pharmaceutical institutions and organizations are situated, in order to allow students to deepen their theoretical knowledge and apply them in practice.

In accordance with the contract on scientific and industrial cooperation 5 – year  students of the specialty "Pharmacy" Aygerim Duisebayeva, Aktore Anes, Gulsim Amirkhanova, Shokhan Zhurabayev, Rayla Abu had practice together with the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, associate Professor K.K. Orynbassarova from May 22 till June 8, 2017 at the Department of Pharmacognosy of Pyatigorsk medical and pharmaceutical institute, branch of Volgograd state medical university.

At the beginning of the practice the students were acquainted with the history of PMPhI and Department of pharmacognosy. The head of Department, Professor, doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, deputy director of PMPhI on research D.A. Konovalov demonstrated scientific achievements, ways of formation and development of the Department.

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According to the working plan, the students worked in the Botanical garden of PMPhI, where they were acquainted with the conditions of cultivation of various pharmacopoeia, medicinal and ornamental plants: Dioscorea caucasia, Persicaria maculosa, Crataegus sanguirea, Pimpinella anisum, Aesculus hippocastanum, etc.

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Students in addition to the study of agricultural technology conducted a macroscopic and microscopic analyses of medicinal plants in the Botanical garden.

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As a result of industrial practice, the students consolidated their theoretical knowledge and formed skills  of medicinal plants research in the field of scientific research.

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Students note that the practice helped them to feel more confident in their knowledge and skills in the study of medicinal plants, and express their deep gratitude to the аcademy leadership for giving them the opportunity of passing practice in Pyatigorsk medical-pharmaceutical institute.

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10.06.2017, 05:05