Independence Day in our hearts!

In a threshold Independence of Kazakhstan Day on December 13, 2018, the event was held in the hostel of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of the Department “Medical Biophysics and Information Technology” on the topic “Independence Day in our hearts!”. The event was attended by students of the 1st course of the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production." The aim of this event was to focus on the Patriotic pride and the promotion of love and respect of all the students towards the Motherland and also to introduce the students to the history of the formation of independence of Kazakhstan.

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Guests of the event: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy – M.M. Sapakbaу, Head of the Youth Policy Department N. Akhmetov. 

At the event, the patriotic songs were sung along with the Kazakh dancing numbers, poetry recital, the stage performance on the formation of independence of Kazakhstan.

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14.12.2018, 22:45