In the period from December 6 to December 8, 2023 JSC «South Kazakhstan medical academy» holds the First International Forum of Young scientists and Students

The Forum of Young Scientists - a communication platform, the purpose of which is to exchange knowledge, skills, experience between researchers, scientists and students from different countries.
The main purpose of the Forum to establish a platform for the exchange of scientific achievements of young scientists from around the world, to discuss the most pressing issues of concern to young researchers, and to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge among young people.

The following events will be held within the framework of the Forum:
1. X International scientific conference of young scientists and students «Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy».
2. The first international Olympiad in surgical disciplines.
3. Competition for the best scientific project.

Contact details:
- By conference: 87074144819 (Tursynali Akerke Zhanabaykyzy)
- According to the Olympiad: 87076526969 (Duisebekov Murat Taufikovich)
- According to the competition for the best scientific project: 87472623253 (Bolatova Dilyafruz Ganikyzy).



24.11.2023, 17:22