In a happy way, dear graduate!

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On July 3, 2015 in the assembly hall of academy solemn delivery of diplomas to graduates of faculty of training of specialists with technical professional education of YuKGFA with participation of the faculty took place.

The faculty of training of specialists with technical professional education on the specialties "Medical Business", "Nurse business", "Pharmacy" and "Stomatology" was graduated by 212 vypusnik, among them the honors degree was gained by Aydar R., Ziyabek B., Esmurza D., Әбдірәсіл A., Sharapat A., Isabek A., Көлбай A., Tobagabyl M., Shakhzanda B., Nurlankyzy Zh., Orazbekova Z., Aralkyzy F., Kasymov I., Abeeva B., Aytmurza G., Perde. Zh.

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Graduates in a festive atmosphere accepted "HIPPOCRATIC OATH". 

Graduates activists were awarded by mementoes from student's labor union.

Congratulatory words were made by the vice rector for educational and methodical and educational work of YuKGFA, doctor medintsinskikh of sciences, professor Anartayeva Maria Ulasbekovna, the head of the department of morphological disciplines doctor medintsinskikh of sciences, professor Sisabekov Қасымхан Ermekbayevich and the head of the department "Public health care 1" doctor medintsinskikh of sciences, professor Buleshov Myrzatay Abildayevich, and also the response word from parents of the graduates who gained an honors degree was made by the father Aralkyzy Fariza Kenzhebayev Aral Moshkalovich, students of LDK-9 group - 301 and SDK-9-201, on the specialty "Medical Business" and "Nurse business" Iyemberdiyev Kayrat and Taubay Aygerim congratulated graduates, having wished happy journey on the vital road the own poem.

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The ceremony was continued by the dean of faculty Otynshiyev M. A., having congratulated vypusnik on the termination of college, having wished good luck, I handed diplomas.

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The festive event came to the end with the big concert program.

14.07.2015, 05:01