An international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of pharmacy and medicine" held at the SKSPhA was attended by representatives of scientific community of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

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Doctor of medicine, professor, laureate of the State Prize A.K.Karabekov, in particular, stated in his report that Kazakhstan today is a dynamically developing country in the Eurasian space. Kazakhstan is recognized by the ambitious plans of the Head of State. The President  of KZ Nursultan Nazarbayev marked the 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms at the enlarged government meeting in Astana on May 6, 2015. These concrete steps have already been under the scrutiny of the world community, bankers, financiers, management system, well-known scientists, figures of education, culture and sports.

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Thus, public figures, politicians and economists have estimated the creation of the Astana Finance Centre. Citizens of Kazakhstan also have convinced of the effectiveness of the 100 steps plan, as it contains new measures to create a professional state apparatus and government accountability, the rule of government and economic development. As for the scientific community, A.Karabekov emphasized that we should improve the results in research, scientific and technical work due to promoting innovation.  He urged scientists to active cooperation in various fields of medicine and pharmacy.

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At the plenary session the following reports were presented: "Synthesis and biological activity thiethanes-containing derivatives of 4,5-dibromo-indazole" by I.M.Sharipov, the Belarusian State Medical University, Ufa, Russia;  Tactics of the surgeon when combined injuries of the thoracic and abdominal cavities" by N.Zh.Zhumabek, the SKSPhA, Shymkent, KZ; "Risk Factors repeated ischemic stroke by G.A. Mustapaeva, the SKSPhA, Shymkent, KZ; "Regional peculiarities of distribution and flow of circulatory system diseases in Kazakhstan" by Zh.A.Қauyzbay, the SKSPhA, Shymkent, KZ;  and " The study of medicinal plants in South Kazakhstan, stages of development " by A.K. Patsaev, the SKSPhA, Shymkent, KZ.

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More than a hundred reports were introduced in seven sections. The best presentations

were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

All participants received certificates, two volumes of selected works of the conference, electronic versions of published scientific works and a conference brochure.

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Doctor of medicine, professor Deribsali Seksenbaevich Seksenbaev (the SKSPhA), Doctor of medicine, professor Salahiddin Dzhuraevich Aminov (Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Doctor of medicine, professor Namazbayev Zhapparovich Ormanov (the SKSPhA), students of pharmaceutical faculty of the First Moscow Sechenov Medical University (Moscow, Russia) and of the Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, Russia) took part and made the presentations at the conference.  

, journalist.

10.06.2015, 05:05