Implementation of the World Bank Project

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South Kazakhstan Medical Academy continues to implement activities within the framework of the World Bank project «Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan» with the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (ATSMU).

According to the technical specifications of the project, on September 15-16 of this year, members of the SKMA working group held an online seminar on the ZOOM platform.

Speaker, head of the educational and methodological center Ibragimova A.G. highlighted the issues of the Bologna Process in pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, introduced the experience of implementing the credit-modular training system in SKMA.

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Seydalieva S.K. presented materials on international experience in training pharmaceutical personnel.

Four more seminars and trainings on new teaching technologies are planned for the teaching staff of the pharmaceutical faculty of ATSMU.

21.09.2020, 22:57