II Republican debate tournament between Trade Unions Federations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
From November 29 to 30, 2017 in the city of Aktau the II Republican debate tournament for the cup of the trade unions Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, devoted to the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held. During the tournament there were discussed the theme “Digital Kazakhstan”, “Latin alphabet”, “Labor disputes”, “Amendments and additions in the Labour Code”, etc. Competition attracted 20 teams from seven regions of the country.
On behalf of the Kazakhstan Branch of the Trade Union of health workers the chairperson of the Trade Union of SKSPhA E.K.Salim participated there.
For the strengthening of the unity and solidarity of the trade union of workers, the protection of legitimate rights and interests of employees through the trade union, providing safe and healthy working conditions the remarkably literate leader E.K.Salim was awarded the highest award in the nomination "The Best Player" and won I place - Trade Unions Federation Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan.