If you want to be a country, fix your cradle!

Currently, one of the priority areas of educational work of the university, which is formed on the basis of the concept of education in the system of lifelong education, is civic-patriotic, legal education. This contributes to the formation of a unified approach to the growth of student youth.
Regarding the legal culture of the individual, the following can be especially emphasized: firstly, every citizen must clearly understand his rights, freedoms and responsibilities, be able to evaluate them, secondly, he must be able to use them as far as possible, in practice, in his life experience. The formation and development of legal culture is one of the indicators that determines the future of the country; it is necessary to ensure high-quality legal education and conscious upbringing of the younger generation, constantly improve knowledge and legal knowledge on the part of the teaching community, constantly become familiar with legal documents and put into practice to be guided by them in work, working closely with industry agencies and families. Collaboration requires relationship building and hard work.
In order to study civil law, 02/23/2024, assistant of the department of “Pediatrics-2” Balabekova A.S. with groups PKA-01-21, PK-02-21 3rd year students: “If you want to be a country, fix your cradle!” An open session took place. The open lesson covered issues of crime prevention, interaction with students in the field of fighting crime, laws and ensuring public safety.

05.03.2024, 18:34