I International Conference on Nursing of the Republic of Kazakhstan

22.06-23.06.2018 in Astana, for the first time in Kazakhstan, was the 1st International Conference on Nursing. The conference was attended by the head of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing A.A. Seydakhmetova. Welcoming the participants of the conference, Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Elzhan Birtanov noted that serious reforms are being carried out in Kazakhstan. Experts from the United States, Canada, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Belarus, and other countries, representatives of WHO and UNISEF, teachers of medical universities and scientific organizations, higher medical colleges, representatives of regional health departments, chief physicians, doctors, nurses attended the conference, representatives of public organizations, associations and communities. During in two days, about 500 participants of the conference in plenary and sectional sessions, thematic discussions discussed the management of the nursing service, assessment of knowledge, certification and licensing of nurses, the role of the nurse in ensuring the quality and safety of medical care, drug safety, the development of a nursing service and nursing education. A.A. Seydakhmetova made a presentation on the topic: "The experience of developing educational programs based on the competence approach in the specialty "Nursing".

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28.06.2018, 14:48