How to Foster Public Optimism?

An article by Associate Professor of the Department of "History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences," Candidate of Historical Sciences Saparbek Musakhanovich Sakhov, published in the republican socio-political and historical-educational newspaper "Әділет," addresses the question of "How to Foster Public Optimism?"
The aim of the article is to explore ways to enhance positive outlook, confidence, and hope within society. The article discusses the following aspects:
Information Culture: Disseminating positive information in society and promoting good news.
Education: Cultivating optimism among youth and enhancing their role in society.
Public Events: Uniting society through social projects and initiatives.
Psychological Support: Providing psychological assistance to individuals and teaching stress management skills.
Examples and Role Models: Publishing stories of successful individuals and presenting exemplary figures to society.
The article offers specific recommendations and strategies in these areas. The author also delves deeply into problematic societal issues such as corruption, theft, public ideology, political parties, political culture, religious propaganda, etc.
In conclusion, several key aspects can be highlighted for enhancing public optimism:

By studying global examples of historical experience, we must utilize the traditions of our people to renew public ideology and take measures to ensure that every citizen is aware of this.
It is necessary to develop large and medium-sized enterprises and agriculture, accelerating their efficiency and labor productivity to meet global standards.
Improving the living conditions of the population, ensuring justice and income, while relentlessly combating theft, corruption, and other crimes to accelerate public optimism.
Raising the legal, political, socio-economic, professional, and scientific-technical culture of citizens and youth is also an urgent task.
This year, the President's Address has focused on law and order, economic growth, and public optimism, which is directly related to changes in the consciousness of our people.

11.12.2024, 15:07