Good riddance, graduate!

On July 2, 2021, the Office of Social Affairs and Youth Policy organised a diploma awarding ceremony for the first graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. The event was opened by the Rector of SKMA, M. Rysbekov, who presented red diplomas to excellent students and congratulated the graduates.

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Then the presentation of diplomas continued Pro-Rector of OKVED Anartaeva M.U., Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine Doltaeva B.Z., Head of the Department of DGP-1 Gulmira Makhanbetovna, Head of the Department of Therapy-1 Galiya Kutumbetovna, Head of the Chair of Surgery-1 Murat Yendibayevich, Head of the Chair Obstetrics-gynecology Saltanat Nalibekovna, and Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty Daniyar Asanovich.

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Head of the Youth Policy Department N. Akhmetov presented letters of appreciation and presents from the rector to graduates who took an active part in the social life of the academy.

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The event continued with a concert programme that put everyone in a good mood, and the graduates were shown a video made especially for them.

Congratulations to the first graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine with their diplomas.

02.07.2021, 06:12