Golden autumn is a wonderful time!

On October 18 this year, according to the educational plan, an event with the participation of interns " Golden autumn-a wonderful time!".

Autumn is a kind of natural time-out to prepare for the harsh winter cold, it is a period, at the same time, the harvest season and vitamin abundance, bright colors.

The purpose of this event was to introduce interns to the Department and curators. Congratulations were made by the head of the Department VUP 2 MD Dosybaeva G. N., Methodist Dean Kenzheeva G. I., resident of Family Medicine, graduate of the Department VUP-2 Kurbantai B. B.

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An interesting concert program and intellectual games were organized by the interns of VOP. The interns met the curators of their groups. In the organization actively participated 614 GP. Interns of 604,611 groups prepared games, poems and songs in two languages.

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22.10.2019, 07:01