"Future entrepreneur: creating and opening of a business"

On the 23 rd of November 2018, according to the tasks set in the road map of the youth wing “Zhas Otan” until 2021 Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology ‘South Kazakhstan medical academy’ JSC held a round table on the topic “Future Entrepreneur: Creating and Opening a Business”. The event was attended by Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Daurenbekov K.N., the head of the department of social affairs and youth policy Salim E.K., the president of Aliar UCMAS company Usenova G.К., director of №3 secondary school of Arys city Dzherenova R.O., teaching staff of the department, students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties. The main purpose of the event was to develop entrepreneurship skills among young people.

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The president of the company “Aliar UCMAS” Usenova G.K. shared her experience from her professional practice, also shared business news at the republican, regional level and pointed out that in the future each specialist will need to know about management and innovative skills. In conclusion of her speech, she noted that in order to become an entrepreneur, you need to work hard, be persistent, purposeful and patient. Dzherenova R.O. motivated the participants with her ideas, increased their interest in business, and also pointed out that in order to become one of the most developed countries, it is necessary to prepare specialists who are ready for competition. Students of medical faculte Bespayev B.O. and Abdikul B. made a presentation on the topic "Future entrepreneur". Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, Dr.M.Sc., professor Kerimbayeva Z.A. noted that currently programs in the direction of forming youth entrepreneurship and business development are being implemented in the country.

As a result of the event, students received useful information about entrepreneurship and business.

02.12.2018, 22:34