From the archive of the anniversary conference
The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy “Modern aspects of medicine and pharmacy: education, scince and practice ” dedicated to the 40th anniversary of South Kazakhstan medical Academy international scientific and practical conference was held. Department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology held a breakout session on the topic “Current aspects pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinicae pharmacology”.The main moderators of the section were: Akhmadieva K.E. – head department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology, Ph.d., associate
Ormanov N. Zh. – professor of the Department, M. D.
The meeting was also attended by guests of the conference: Popandopulo Pantelei Kharlampovich - associate professor, medical Advisor to “Medkor” LLC Almaty, Isigov Ibrakhim Agaevich JSTU n.a. Jassovi, Allaeva Munira Jurakulovna, d.b.n. head department of pharmacology in TMA (Uzbekistan). The reports were made by the teachers of the Department undergraduates, as well as guests of the conference in particular, a Professor from IKTU doctor of medical scinces Jshigov J.A
On SKMA Department of Pharmacology were pass a master-class “Master-class on Agents affecting on efferent system.Adrenergic drugs.”
with head of Department, Phd, docent K.E. Akhmadieva, Head of Department Tashkent Medical Academy professor Allaeva M.Zh.
On master - class were participoited teaching stuff of the Department Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy, students and master degree students on speciality 6B10101- General medicine.
Participants on master-class shored by know leses of information about pharmacological properties of agents adrenergic drugs; about action mechanisms α,β - adrenomimetics; and about localization of adrenorecepts.
Mechanisms and non-cardioselective adrenergic blochers were discussed.
Guest from Uzbekistan d.b.n. Allaeva M.J. noted high level of training of speakers. The conference participants noted positive resultets in the expansion of international cooperation number of teachers and doctors.