Forum "Improvement of educational work in medical universities"

On February 25, 2022, the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy of JSC SKMA held the first online forum among medical universities "improving educational work in medical universities."

The purpose of the forum: improving the system of education in medical universities; development of debate among students of medical schools; development of medical volunteering; formation of a unique format for the organization of student self-government.

The forum was attended by specialists from the Medical University of Semey, the National Medical University named after S. Zh.Asfendiyarov, Astana Medical University, Kazakh-Russian Medical University, MKTU, Karaganda Medical University, ZKSU named after M. Ospanova, as well as the vice-rector for educational work, responsible for educational and youth policy. The event was moderated by the head of the department for social issues and youth policy of JSC "SKMA" E. Salim, who gave the floor to the rector of JSC "SKMA" M. Rysbekov.
Further, higher educational institutions briefly spoke about the ongoing work on educational work in their educational institutions, the organization of debates, and volunteer organizations.

By the decision of the forum: the Kazakhstan "League of Medical Universities" was created. The "League of Medical Universities" will be held once a year. It will host various competitions among member universities, the chairmanship and holding of which will be carried out in a visiting form. Work will also begin on developing a unified platform for the debate movement among medical universities, holding the "Best Reader" competition among students in 100 new educational areas, holding a competition among clubs of cheerful and resourceful people, and improving cooperation on youth policy issues in the best foreign universities.

All medical universities expressed their deep gratitude to the staff of JSC "SKMA", which came up with this initiative. We are confident that the League of Medical Universities will open new inspiration and new achievements to our students!

28.02.2022, 22:08