Forum dedicated to the World Day against HIV-infection and AIDS
On November 28, 2016 the Department of infectious diseases and dermatology with the participation of employees, graduate students, interns , undergraduate students organized Forum dedicated to the World Day against HIV-infection and AIDS. Forum held under the motto: "We are against HIV infection."
The purpose of the forum was: bring up the adherence to a healthy lifestyle in youth, avoiding drugs, being faithful to their sexual partner, mercy and sympathy for those who are already sick.
During the Forum the reports on the subject of HIV, AIDS were read, there were shown videos, made individually by students, mind games and competitions of thematic posters on the theme "We are against HIV / AIDS" were conducted.
At the end of the forum the jury summarized the results and awarded diplomas and memorable gifts to the most active participants.
Best report " History of HIV- infection" prepared by Аbdelі Abylai of 616 GP group.
Best stage production "Karasoz" was by Akmaral Seyіlhan of 301group.
Promotional gifts were given to individual participants for active participation.