Forum dedicated to the World AIDS Day

On December 3, 2015 at the academy hall there was held a municipal Interuniversity Forum dedicated to the World AIDS Day. The organizers of the Forum were the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatology and Student Scientific Society of SKSPhA.

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The Forum was held under the motto In achieving the goal of Zero: Zero of new cases, Zero of deaths, Zero of discrimination”.

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The Forum was attended by students, residents, medical interns, candidates for master’s degree and a group of students from SKSU and IKTU named after Kh.A.Yassavi. The students from Taraz State University took a remote participation, they sent their videogreetings.

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The program of the Forum included oral reports on topical issues of HIV and its prevention, there were held contests: a poster contest, role plays, art events, a flash mob.

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The following students were awarded valuable gifts for their best reports, posters and active participation: A. Mirkhalikov, N. Ainabek, A. Zhunis, T. Alpys, A. Ydyrys, S. Sultanova, T. Polukchi, M. Abdumazhitov, G. Tuymebayeva, A. Sydykova.

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07.12.2015, 03:33