Formation of professional competencies of students during practical training

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry organized a methodical conference dedicated to the results of the work practices “Toxicological Chemistry” and “Quality Control and Standardization of medicines”.

The students of the 5th course of the Faculty of Pharmacy shared the results of the industrial practice, and under the guidance of the teachers prepared reports, presentations and banners.

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The trainees completed the program of both practices. Students secured professional skills and abilities in conducting chemical-toxicological examination and pharmaceutical analysis of medicines in the conditions of toxicological and testing laboratories. Work on modern equipment, familiarity with new methods of analyzing toxicologically important substances and medicines strengthened the importance of the chosen profession in the interns.

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Students during the practice plunged into the practical activity of the laboratories, felt the responsibility of the work of the pharmacist-analyst and chemical toxicologist, who confirmed the urgency of providing the population with high-quality and safe medicine care.

The practice of forensic chemical examination of students passed on the basis of chemical-toxicological departments of the Institute of forensic examinations of the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Almaty, Shymkent and Dzhambul region. In toxicological departments of "KazMUCE", RCHO them. T. Orynbayeva and the clinical laboratory of the city hospital №1 (Taraz), the trainees successfully consolidated the skills of carrying out laboratory diagnostics of acute poisoning.

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It should be noted a high level of practice in the testing laboratories of the National Center for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products for years. Shymkent and Taraz, as well as the Quality Control Department and the Research and Testing Center at JSC Химфарм, which provided great support and received students at their bases.

Very interesting were the reports of students who managed to go to the base of partner universities: in the First MSMU them. Sechenov (Moscow) and TashPharmI (Tashkent).

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As an exchange, the students of these universities passed practical training on quality control of medicines on the basis of our academy. On behalf of the students, K.N. Nuridulloyeva, PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Standardization of Medicines of TashPharmI, spoke on the level of equipping our department with modern equipment and thanked the staff of the department for admission of students and the quality of internship.

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Professor Ordabayeva S.K. summed up the conference and thanked all those present - student interns, employers, teachers and staff of SKMA and TashPharmI for their active participation. The staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry express their sincere gratitude to all industrial practice bases for their responsible attitude towards the trainees and for their joint contribution to the preparation of qualified health professionals.

12.07.2019, 22:56