From 23 to 30 September 2016 5-year students of pharmaceutical faculty of the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy have been trained in the pharmaceutical international camp "Filin", Yaroslavl, Russia.

This international camp gathered students from 29 universities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented for the first time by our University! Academy was represented by Laura Sapakhova, Adelya Aubakirova and Yerdaulet Aidarbek.

FILIN camp is a week-long study programme for graduate students on the most topical issues of the pharmaceutical circulation and production of medicinal products. These seven days have been very productive for SKSPhA students. During this programme, students have mastered the theoretical material and invaluable practical experience; they visited the unique pharmaceutical facilities, usually closed to the public. 

The curriculum consisted of two areas: "Technology of drugs production" and "Pharmaceutical marketing and management", and included visits to production, lectures, training seminars, competitions, training sessions, which are held by invited experts and industry leaders.

Leadership of SKSPhA is very grateful for the opportunity of our students’ participation in such an interesting and useful event!





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Official opening of the "FILIN" camp, Yaroslavl



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President of Group of companies “VIALEK CTD” – Alexandr Alexandrov. “Life Cycle Assessment of a medicament for the content of the registration dossier. (CTD)”



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I.Paramonov, General Director of JSC "Farmoslavl"



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HR-session. The successful applicant for 2016: Who is it? Vice-president of the company "R-Pharm" I.A.Semenov. Winning the "R-Pharm" contest.



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Day of "TEVA". Innovative workshop-game.



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Visit to the factory "Teva", Yaroslavl



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I place in the competition "nasal spray" for the development of innovative forms of the drug.



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Closing "FILIN" camp.

08.10.2016, 05:12