Explanation of Academic Integrity Rules and Anti-Corruption Standards, Ethical Rules of the Academy with Students
It is impossible to combat corruption without the active participation of civil society. Working with the younger generation plays a critically important role in developing an anti-corruption culture. To cultivate such a culture among youth, on 25th November 2024, the Department of Pediatrics-1 work under the supervision of the head of the department K.S. Kemelbekov organized an educational session involving the faculty of the Department of Pediatrics-1 and students on the topic: "Fostering an Anti-Corruption Culture among Students."
1. Raise awareness among young people about corruption as a socially dangerous phenomenon.
2. Define the concept of "corruption," explore its types, identify factors contributing to its spread, and examine its negative consequences. Introduce participants to anti-corruption practices in various countries and develop proposals for effective methods to combat different forms of corruption.
3. Foster anti-corruption thinking among students.
4. Cultivate an active civic stance in opposing corruption and promoting intolerance towards its manifestations.
Key Objectives of Anti-Corruption Education Include:
• Studying the phenomenon of corruption, including its definition, characteristics, types, classifications, causes, consequences, and mechanisms of dissemination.
• Familiarizing students with the historical forms of corruption, its manifestations in various spheres of life, and analyzing the causes and harmful consequences of this phenomenon.
• Cultivating a strong intolerance among youth towards any form of corruption.
• Teaching methods and mechanisms for combating corruption.
• Instilling values and attitudes essential for developing an anti-corruption worldview.
Higher education institutions play a key role in shaping an anti-corruption mindset. Teachers bear particular responsibility in this process, as they engage in educating and raising awareness among young people, helping them develop a conscious and proactive attitude towards combating corruption.
The education system is one of the most significant social sectors where reforms and innovations can profoundly impact corruption prevention. Anti-corruption education is a purposeful process of teaching and upbringing, implemented through educational programs based on state standards. Its goal is to develop legal awareness, enhance legal culture, and foster an anti-corruption worldview among students.
The effectiveness of combating corrupt behavioral patterns among young people largely depends on the influence of anti-corruption education on the deeper layers of public consciousness. In this process, not only the educational environment but also the family plays a crucial role, as its influence on the formation of values and behavior among youth cannot be overestimated.