Evening poetry " Zhyr zhaukhary-Zhambyl»

On February 15, 2021, an evening of poetry dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Zhambyl Zh. Zhabayev was organized by the Shabyt Art Organization in the Great Hall.

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The purpose of the poetry evening is to support the development of talents and talents of students at the academy. Demonstration of active youth of the university. In the evening, 7 students from the faculties of the academy competed in the stages "Pearl of Zhambyl", "World of Poetry", "World of Literature".The jury was judged by the rector of the student: Dilet Kaskarov, Kalkamanova Maira, the head of the organization "Syr Sandyk" named after S. Yerubaev Sanat Pazyl. The poetry evening was opened by the head of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy E. Salim, who wished good luck to the youth. Certificates and cash prizes were awarded at the poetry evening. The 1st place was taken by the student of 13-GMP-05-19 Pazyl M, the 2nd place was taken by the student of 13-GMB-04-20 Zainiddinova D, the 3rd place was taken by the student of FFA-02-20 Esenali S. All participants were awarded diplomas and financial prizes on behalf of the trade union.

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The works of Zhambyl live to this day, as evidenced by the interest of students in the work of the poet. It is gratifying to note that they are known, read and admired by modern youth. Which gives us hope that the legacy of the Great Poet will be preserved and passed on from generation to generation.

16.02.2021, 21:10