Erasmus+ projects


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Based on the results of the VI Call for Proposals Erasmus + "Capacity building in higher education 2020", on the recommendation of the evaluation commission of the Executive Agency for education, audiovisual and culture of the European Commission, 164 project proposals were selected for funding under the component "Capacity building in higher education" Erasmus + programs.

22 universities of Kazakhstan will take part in 11 new projects to increase potential in higher education.

South Kazakhstan medical academy won a grant for two projects:

- AccelEd: Accelerated development of nursing education at the master's and doctoral levels in the higher education system in Kazakhstan,

- LMQS: Professionalization of Bachelor's and Master's degrees for strategic risk management and quality of health services in the framework of open distance education in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Laos.

11.08.2020, 22:54