Emergency Room Trauma Course

From 16 to 18 April 2019 representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross Jurrian Reurings and Abdul Fatah conducted an Emergency Room Trauma Course among academy staff and representatives of medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Practical Skills Center of the SKMA.

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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) a humanitarian organization authorized by the international community to be the guardian of international humanitarian law, works throughout the world, providing assistance to people affected by armed conflict and situations of violence.

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During the training the participants got acquainted with the principles of initial and secondary assessment and first aid according to the ABCDE system, the rules of transportation of the victim, actions during mass casualty incidents.

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The training included a theoretical, demonstration part and a practical part of assisting with airway obstruction, bleeding, shock, burns.

According to the results of the training participants received certificates of attendance.

23.04.2019, 02:13