Effective cooperation of partner universities

Prof. Ordabayeva Saule - the head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry visited the Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU, Ufa, Russia) within the framework of academic mobility from 15.05 to 26.05.2018.

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The Visiting Program included participation in the educational process with the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (lecture, practical classes), conducting master classes with teachers, introducing experience in conducting active teaching methods, discussing and agreeing joint educational programs, visiting the university's scientific and clinical centers etc.

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Particular interest was the process of accreditation of graduates of all facul-ties of BSMU, allowing their further employment. For this purpose, the Methodological Center for the attestation of practical skills of graduates and specialists in the pharmaceutical field was organized at the Institute of Additional Postgraduate Education, which is assessed on-line by invited experts from among practitioners.

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Prof. Ordabayeva and a master’s student Mirsoatova took part in the international scientific and practical conference “Pharmaceutical education, modern aspects of science and practics” with a presentation of the results of scientific research. An exchange of opinions and experience of conducting research and educational programs with organizers and guests of the conference was held. Within the framework of the conference, a visit was organized to the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Laboratory of Cell Cultures on the basis of CSRL BSMU and other leading scientific centers.

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The Memorandum of Cooperation between our universities was signed during the meeting with the rector of BSMU prof. Pavlov. Further cooperation was discussed.

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We thank prof. Khaliulin F.A. – head of department of pharmaceutical chemistry with analytical and toxicological chemistry course of BSMU and the staff of the department for organization of mobility and for great hospitality.

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30.05.2018, 11:16