«Effective cooperation between higher education institutions and employers under the modernization of medical education»

On 30 Mar 2017 South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy held a «round table» with potential employers on the topic: «Effective cooperation between higher education institutions and employers under the modernization of medical education». Participants of the event were the heads of the health care organizations of Shymkent city and SKR. 

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On behalf of Academy presentations were made by B.K. Dosybayev, A.G. Ibragimova, B.Z. Doltayeva, A. A. Seydakhmetova, K.K. Orynbassarova. In the reports Academy representatives noted the importance of training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel in the modernization of medical and pharmaceutical education, told about the prospects for the development of nursing, the importance of interaction between universities and employers. 

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Keynote speakers from employers were: Director of «Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations of Kazakhstan» «Damu» H. D. Alzhanova, Deputy main physician of RH HBO I.T. Tuleeyev, head of Department of control for medical and pharmaceutical services in SKR L.R. Kashkymbayeva, the chief doctor of the Regional TB dispensary B.S. Sagymbekov.

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The participants of the «round table» emphasized the necessity of creating conditions for the trinity of education, science and practice, as well as the importance of close interaction between the university departments and practical health care and pharmacy.

12.04.2017, 06:43