Educational competition” Baby star", completed at the faculty of Pediatrics-2

On December 8, 2022, the educational contest "Baby star" among students of "Pediatrics" and "general medicine" was held at the Department "Pediatrics-2" of the UCMA, by the assistants of the department Adilbekova A. T., Onlasbekova G. M. and the group OM-V-05-19.
Students of the 4th year of the pedagogical educational program of S. Zh. Asfendiyarov KazNMU "Pediatrics" and UCMA "Pediatrics" in-PPA-01-19, in-OPK-01-19, who arrived within the framework of "academic mobility" from Almaty; OM-In-05-19 "General Medicine", The students of the groups OM-B-06-19, OM-B-06-19 took part.
The purpose of the educational competition: to consolidate the topics covered in the subject, to increase the level of knowledge, horizons, interests, activity of students.

The jury evaluating the level of knowledge of students in the knowledge contest:
1. Duisenbayeva M. M. - Deputy Dean for the OP "General Medicine" of the Faculty of Medicine.
2. Zhumabekov Zh. K. associate professor of the Department of Pediatrics-2.
3. Mukasheva L. s. assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-1.
4. Baymakova G. Sh. assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-2.
The knowledge contest consists of 6 stages.
"Situational report"
"Competition of group leaders"
"Who is faster"
"Square of Miracles"
It consists of the stages of "self-expression".
According to the results of the educational competition, teams were awarded and diplomas were awarded.

The main prize: group P19-004 KazNMU "Alma mater".
1st place" "Bala med" In-PHC-05-19
2nd place " "Life Savers" OM-B-06-19
"Pulse" OM-A-06-19
3rd place " " Baby life" In-PC-A-01-19
"Defenders of childhood" V-PC-B-01-19
Nominations were also awarded.
"The best leader of the group" - Beisenov Bakhtiyar V-PK-01-19
Group B-OM-B-06-19 was awarded in the nomination "educated group".
In the nomination "best art", the student of the group OM-A 05-19 Fazyl Moldir was awarded.
The group OM-A-05-19 was awarded in the nomination "The most active organizer".
We hope that this competition has awakened in the student a great desire and desire for knowledge.

15.12.2022, 18:07