Education given at a young age is like bending a young rod

Among the 8th grade students of secondary school No. 85 named after H. Alimzhan, a meeting was held with teachers of the «Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines» of the Medical College of the «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy» on the topic «Education given at a young age is like bending a young rod». During the meeting, qualified experts explained the current problems of young people in modern society regarding smoking, alcohol, drugs and their consequences from a medical point of view, and also called for avoiding bad habits. They awarded prizes to active students who were able to find the right solution by providing age-appropriate situational questions.
At the end of the meeting, information was presented about the history, present and future of the «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy», student life, educational and clinical base, achievements and specialties.
At the end of the meeting, they gave advice to the students to choose the right profession, and explained that it is in their hands to become an educated and qualified specialist. There are people who always support, trust and love them.

06.05.2024, 10:21