Dormitory check

February 05, 2024 in the framework of the project "Taza Sessia", the regional council for youth support at Shymkent city branch of the party "AMANAT" and Shymkent city branch of the youth wing of "Zhastar rukhy", Department of Emergency Situations and project office "Adaldyk Alany" was created a monitoring group to ensure the readiness of dormitories for the new school year to conduct an inspection of the dormitory at Baitursynova #84 at JSC SKMA.
The purpose of the inspection is to improve the quality of dormitory conditions, compliance with sanitary norms and safety measures.
The inspection found that the bathrooms and dining rooms have undergone major renovation and are equipped with modern furniture. The disciplinary regime is under strict control of the hostel staff. The members of the monitoring team expressed their gratitude to the management of SKMA for the facilities provided to the students. 

06.02.2024, 14:36