"Do good with a pure heart, with simple words"

On April 5 of this year, the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry  along with the Department of PSMP-2 with the course of obstetrics and gynecology organized a visit to the KSU "Center for Special Social Services No. 5" (formerly the "Old People's and Disabled Home") of the Office of Employment of Social Programs of the South Kazakhstan region. The visit was organized to the celebration of Nauryz, which is celebrated in our country for a month.

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The concert program was organized by the doctors-interns and students of the pharmaceutical faculty. The performance of readers, folk songs on dombra and the dance of Kazakh, Uzbek people with bright national suits fascinated the audience.

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Kind words of congratulations from the organizers of the event, the entertaining program of the participants and gifts to all the residents of the nursing home did not leave anyone indifferent.

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For the shown charity and attention, responsiveness and activity our students and interns have received blessing from aksakals. Continuing the good tradition, the aksakals in their "bata" called the youth to goodness and piety, to knowledge and work.

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11.04.2018, 21:45