Distance Learning Binary Lecture on the international level

On April 28 of this year, a planned open lecture on pharmaceutical chemistry was held, organized by the head of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry Ordabaeva S.K.

The best reason for holding a binary lecture with foreign and domestic colleagues was the distance learning mode, which Kazakhstan and Russian educational organizations switched to distance learning mode. The lecture brought together leading scientists and teachers of partner universities: Bashkir State Medical University, Astana Medical University and our academy on the Cisco Webex translation platform.

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The binary lecture was chosen as a way of interdisciplinary integration that successfully implements the professionally competent approach of modern education. At the same time, the recommended type of lecture combined the obtaining of information simultaneously in several disciplines, the development of which creates the opportunity for students to form a holistic picture of their future multifaceted, interconnected and interdependent professional activity.

The knowledge and professional skills acquired at the university allow the future pharmacist to work in the qualifications of a pharmacist-technologist, pharmacist-analyst, pharmacy manager, chemist-toxicologist. Within the framework of his professional competencies, a pharmacist is able to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of drugs.

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Therefore, the choice of disciplines in a binary lecture was not accidental. If information on the physical and chemical properties and quality control of drugs, benzodiazepine derivatives was covered by the main lecturer, professor Ordabaeva S.K., then ensuring the purity of drugs, which directly depends on the methods and conditions for the synthesis of drugs, was reported by professor Klen E.D.

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Obtaining optimal, most effective and stable dosage forms also depends on the physical and chemical properties of drug substances. Therefore, to ensure the bioavailability of drugs, the knowledge obtained in pharmaceutical chemistry logically supplement the information that students receive by studying the technology of drugs. The necessary information on interrelated disciplines and the main issues of obtaining dosage forms of the benzodiazepine series was highlighted by professor Shikova Yu.V.

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No less interesting was the material of the professor Shukirbekova A. B. about adverse reactions, possible toxic poisoning, precautionary measures and methods of chemical-toxicological analysis of benzodiazepines. The development of these issues is greatly facilitated by the knowledge and skills gained in pharmaceutical chemistry.

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Professor Ibragimova G.Ya. told students about the requirements of regulatory documents on the storage, dispensing and accounting of drugs of the benzodiazepine series. She gave a comparative analysis of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regulatory documents developed in the framework of the EAEU in the field of pharmaceuticals circulation.

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After completing the lecture, students passed an online Quizizz assimilation test. Students thanked all the lecturers for such an interesting and multifaceted lecture, the organizers - for the opportunity to communicate with foreign teachers.

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Thus, a binary lecture with elements of interdisciplinary integration made it possible to achieve effectiveness in the formation of professional competencies of a pharmacist. Such classes allow the student, repeatedly applying knowledge of each studied or studied discipline outside the framework of one discipline, in the new conditions, to form the ability to apply knowledge in professional activities.

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01.05.2020, 07:04