Deserving victory


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South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy is one of the leading medical universities of Kazakhstan, particularly in pharmacy sphere.

Academy’s prestige is confirmed by results of Independent accreditation and rating agency which published outcome of Kazakhstan’s institutes of higher education rating regarding direction and level of expert training. The total number of universities which were taken for the university rating process 2015 was 55. The universities are rated based on the four factors of   “High number of talented students, teachers and researchers ”, “Academic mobility”, “Competitiveness of graduating students”, “Competitiveness of teachers’, master’s degree students’, doctor’s degree students’ scientific publications”.

According to given statistics, SKSPA took second place in the educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs in accordance with the levels and directions of training specialists giving primacy to Kazakh national medical University by S. Asfendiyarov. Moreover, university entered Top-40 on the total number of prizes.

Thus, from year to year South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy firmly maintain its position in the market of pharmaceutical and medical educational services.

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04.09.2015, 00:26