Demonstration of the introduction of multilingualism at the Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technologies

Today, in the course of defense of diploma projects of the graduates of the pharmaceutical faculty of 2018, trained in the specialty "5В074800 - the technology of pharmaceutical production", the reports of the students Sarbasova Gauhar and Shanazarova Shahsanam were made in English, as the diploma projects themselves were also executed in English. The reviewer of these works was the leading foreign expert Professor Danail Dontchev, who gave them high marks. 

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Diploma projects in English at this department graduates are preparing and protecting for the second year, so in 2017 also 3 graduates prepared and defended their thesis projects in English.

On the protection of the diploma projects today, in addition to the members of the SAC, the pro-rector for financial and economic activities of the AcademySeyzhanova Zhanna  and the Head of the Department for Strategic Development and International Cooperation Akhmetova Alma Abdukarimovna.

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After the end of the report, the students gave answers to all the questions that were asked in English (the chairman of the SAC, the pro-rector, teachers), Russian and Kazakh, which became a clear demonstration of the introduction of polygamy in the Department of Technology of Pharmaceutical Production.

We wish our graduates to continue to realize themselves in the future professional activity as well-educated highly qualified specialists.

26.06.2018, 05:25