December 1 - World AIDS Day

On December 4, 2019, at the College of Medicine of SKMA, the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology, on the day of December 1, World AIDS Day, organized the Forum “We Against AIDS” under the motto “The Community Achieves Changes”. The purpose of the Forum is a call for social tolerance and the expansion of information exchange on HIV / AIDS and its prevention measures, in order to draw college students' attention to the spread of HIV infection, which has taken on the scale of a global pandemic spreading throughout the world.

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Honorary guests of the forum: Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor G. Abuova Director of UKMA - Kushkarovа A.M. College Deputy Chief Physician of the City Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS - K. Mashirov

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During the forum, college students presented their reports:

“The state of HIV / AIDS in the world, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Turkestan region” - Abdurakhmanova D. S-EII 09.02.17; "HIV AIDS. History of development. Etiology, epidemiology "- Musakulova J. S-EІ Е - 01/09/17; “Clinic of HIV / AIDS in adults and adolescents” - A. Myrza S-EI 01/11/18; “Diagnosis, treatment of HIV / AIDS” - Khakimova D. С-МІҚ 09.01.17; “Prevention of HIV / AIDS” - Ergeshova D. С-МІҚ 09.01.17.

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In the nomination the best reports were recognized: Ergeshova D. С-МІҚ 09.01.17.

Khakimova D. С-МІҚ 01/09/17. Abdurakhmanova D. S-EII 09.02.17; Musakulova J. S-EІҚ - 01/09/17; Myrza A. S-EI 01/11/18

Group students were awarded certificates.

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In the nomination “The most active group” the following were recognized: С-ЕІО 09.02.17, С-МІҚ 09.01.17, С-ЕІҚ - 09.01.17; С-ЕІҚ 11.01.18.

Participants were awarded certificates and diplomas.

11.12.2019, 23:57