Dear staff, academic staff and students of SKSPhA!

The Department of strategic development and international cooperation of SKSPhA informs You that on 2 November 2017 from 10.00 till 13.30 online broadcast of the Information Day plenary session of Erasmus+ programme in Kazakhstan will be held. Plenary session of the event will be broadcast online via Adobe Connect.

 The aim of the Information Day is to introduce representatives of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan with information about changes and requirements of the Fourth Contest of the Erasmus+ programme, selection procedure, national and regional priorities; make practical recommendations for the development of project applications and implementation of projects.

 Anyone can participate in the webinar as an individual or a group of participants in the videoconference. To connect you need to register at the link until 31 October 2017. The link to the webinar and instructions for connecting will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by participants on the registration form.



27.10.2017, 01:29