Dear graduate!

Today, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) is a major educational and scientific center, has deserved respect among Kazakhstani universities.

Graduates of SKMA receive not only a quality education that meets international standards. They preserve and increase the traditions of Alma Mater. This is largely facilitated by the Alumni Association, established in 2012, a dynamically developing organization that consolidate together graduates on the basis of professional communication and on the basis of common interests and hobbies.

The Alumni Association is a beneficial foundation for maintaining ties with the Academy, sharing experience, realizing the professional, scientific resources and creativity of graduates. Membership in the Association guarantees an indestructible relationship with Alma mater, the opportunity to always be aware of the current activities of the Academy.

We are proud of every graduate and are invited to have over to the close-knit family of SKMA alumni!


Rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich

Contact person: Sapakbai Malik, tel.87252408229,

19.03.2018, 06:15